1 Answers
- 22 Jun
- 0 Comment
- Aptitude question. Answer
- What is the eligibility criteria for Aricent?
- What is the Age Limit to apply for Aricent recruitment?
- How much time they allotted for the written exam?
- What will be my salary in Aricent after 4-5 years as a software engineer?
- Mr.
- What will be the difficulty level of tests during the training process.
- What is the Selection process?
- Where can I find the good books for Aricent Placements?
- Is any one can provide me some links for the preparation?
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Currently, they are hiring for the post of Software Engineer’s post. The educational criteria are very much clear after the accurate notification of the post. They have follow criteria for academics:br /strong /strongbr /strongAcademic Criteria:/strongbr /!--[if !supportLists]--· !--[endif]--B.E/B.techbr /!--[if !supportLists]--· !--[endif]--Graduates having minimum of 75 percent in graduation.br /!--[if !supportLists]--· !--[endif]--No percentage bar in 10th and 12th.br /!--[if !supportLists]--· !--[endif]--There should be no year gap.