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Need Technical rounds questions for practice.

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  • Shivendu
  • 2 Answers
2 Answers
  • It is very hard to tell you exact questions for this round because no one knows about the expected questions for this round. Well, am sharing some important questions for the reference. Check them and take them as a reference only:br / br /strongTechnical Interview:/strongbr /!--[if !supportLists]--·         !--[endif]--Write the code for inserting a node in singly linked list including 3 cases of inserting in first, last, middle?br /!--[if !supportLists]--·         !--[endif]--How is it possible to have only a specific Functionality as per the user for an Object i.e. load only user specific functionality (& not all the functionality of the class to be loaded in the object)?br /!--[if !supportLists]--·         !--[endif]--What is significance of static keyword in classes in JAVA?br /!--[if !supportLists]--·         !--[endif]--How can we have an Abstract Class without using any virtual Function in it?br /!--[if !supportLists]--·         !--[endif]--Why is meant by pipelining and how does it work?br /!--[if !supportLists]--·         !--[endif]--Compare Raid model with water fall model in SE?br /!--[if !supportLists]--·         !--[endif]--Define double end queue. Explain the difference between router, hub and /!--[if !supportLists]--·         !--[endif]--State three differences between Binary tree & Binary search tree?br /!--[if !supportLists]--·         !--[endif]--Write a code for inserting a node in Binary search tree?br /!--[if !supportLists]--·         !--[endif]--What are arrays? How are they defined in Java?br /!--[if !supportLists]--·         !--[endif]--What is a Java bean?br /!--[if !supportLists]--·         !--[endif]--State the meaning of scheduling and its use in OS? Explain its /!--[if !supportLists]--·         !--[endif]--What is tree traversal in binary search tree?br /With these questions, you will get an idea about the kinds of questions that can be asked in technical round. 

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