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Practice Tests for Analytical Reasoning Birla Soft

Arrange data in the right chronology in this test series based on Seating Arrangement. This is a comparatively lighter part of Logical and Analytical Reasoning. Try our mock test series for Wipro placement papers to increase your problem-solving speed and score high in the main exam.

Follow the instructions put in the form of statements in this section of mock test series for BirlaSoft Recruitment. The destination will be covered with confusing data and might end up giving a wrong answer if you are not attentive.

Connect the dots and join the family tree in this section of the placement examination. Prepare well for this section as it is considered an exciting part of the LR segment of the test series.

Attempt this free Birla Soft Analytical Reasoning Practice Papers and check out your eligibility for the exam among everyone.

Quantitative Ability

Analytical Reasoning

English usage
