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Provide some important tips and tricks to crack this exam?

tips and tricks

  • Prakeerthi
  • 4 Answers
4 Answers
  • Aspirants applying to work in Huawei Technologies must consider the following tips and tricks to crack the recruitment process:br /*Check with the eligibility criteria very /*Technical quotients must be studied thoroughly for the Progarmming section and Technical Interviewbr /*Take online mock tests to know your strengths and /*Check previous years' interview questions to prepare /*Solve previous years' question papers to test your knowledge, speed and /*Build good command over English grammar and /*Keep confident and particular while attempting interview /emstrongFOR PRACTICE BOOK LINKS, a rel='nofollow' href=""click here./a/strong/em

  • Hi, sharing some important tips. Read:br /br /!--[if !supportLists]--1)      !--[endif]--Do not delay, you might leave topics pending and soon have the date of the exam hanging on your head. Check in advance whether you have all topics and subjects sorted and /!--[if !supportLists]--2)     !--[endif]--Problem solving is an important task and giving lengthy answers will not help. Think smartly and write smartly, if a solution takes more than 8 steps to solve, take a deep breath and re-think your /!--[if !supportLists]--3)     !--[endif]--You need to make an aware attempt of keeping track of your speed and accuracy to solve the /!--[if !supportLists]--4)     !--[endif]--Mock tests and model papers are a must and can be practiced to brush up your skills no matter how many times you have already solved one. Every attempt can make you realize something that you missed /!--[if !supportLists]--5)     !--[endif]--Being innovative and intuitive creates a great balance at solving problems that are not from a course book. Practice does come in handy while solving a questionnaire however common sense should not be /!--[if !supportLists]--6)     !--[endif]--Always read the questionnaire with ease and do not rush into answering quickly as nothing ruins matters than being overly eager to finish /!--[if !supportLists]--7)     !--[endif]--Do not think negatively and try keeping a positive mind and thoughts while you are preparing for the entrance /!--[if !supportLists]--8)     !--[endif]--Last few days are to clear the slightest doubts you may have, irrespective of how big or small, you should never enter the exam hall with hesitation on topics that might be the ones you never prepared for and are now a part of the entrance /!--[if !supportLists]--9)     !--[endif]--Revision is the key to keep a sound mind, as picking up more topics right in the end days of preparation will only add up to great confusion and lesser /!--[if !supportLists]--10)!--[endif]-- Once you clear your doubts and brush up few pointers you kept as a priority, do not bother your mind with added pressure. A day before the exam, simply relax and leave the stress aside, a positive attitude and a calm mind will surely benefit you to crack the exam.

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