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what are the concurrency contol?

what are the different types of concurrency control anomalies?

  • Vijay
  • 5 Answers
5 Answers
  • Concurrency control is a crucial aspect of database management systems to ensure that multiple transactions can run concurrently while preserving the consistency and integrity of the data. It prevents issues like data corruption and anomalies that can occur when multiple transactions access and modify the same data simultaneously. Few control anomalies are-  Lost Update, Temporary Inconsistency, Uncommitted Dependency, etc.

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  • Concurrency control is a database management systems (DBMS) concept that is used to know about conflicts while accessing or altering of data that can occur with multi-user system.concurrency control is used to coordinate simultaneous transactions while preserving data is used to control the multi-user access of database.But,the concurrent execution of transaction may lead to data consistency and integrity problems.The following are the different problems associated with the concurrency control,br /1.lost updatesbr /2.uncommitted databr /3.inconsistant data /There are four types of anomalies:br /1.atomicity 2.consistency 3.isolation 4.durability

  • 1.dirty read 2. Non repeatable read 3. Phantom read

  • strongANS:/strong There are total four anomalies caused due to concurrency executions and they are 1.Dirty Read 2.Non Repeatable read 3.phantom read 4lost update problem

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