2 Answers
- How can I recover my yahoo account?
- share some tips for written exam?
- Related to Computer language(learn)
- Is Yahoo owned by Microsoft? Explain your answer
- Technical question, answer please?
- Does any certification is required to place in Yahoo?
- what type of programming languages we should know to join yahoo?
- can anyone have basic idea of crontab in Linux?
- Can anyone please give the complete information regarding Yahoo?
- What is the Selection Process at Yahoo?
Practice Mock Test
Hi, you have to focus on quant, reasoning, verbal ability to clear this important round. Quant will have the topics like algebra, number system, time & distance, mensuration etc. While, reasoning will have topics like coding-decoding, number series, syllogism and so on. In verbal ability, you must have to focus on comprehension, fill in the blanks and other important sections of English.