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what is the unit of reluctance?


  • Sonu
  • 13 Answers
13 Answers
  • H−1

  • The obstruction offered to the magnetic lines of force or magnetic flux is known as reluctance. The SI Unit of reluctance is Ampere-turn/Weber.

  • The unit of reluctance is ampere- turn per weber(A-T/WB).

  • (“R”) is the reluctance in ampere - turns per weber ( a unit is equivalent to turns per henery) TURNS refers to the winding number of an electrical conductor comprising an inductor. (“phi”) is the magnetic flux in webers.

  • ampere turn per weber

  • The obstruction offered by a magnetic circuit to the magnetic flux is known as reluctance. As in electric circuit, there is resistance similarly in the magnetic circuit, there is a reluctance, but resistance in an electrical circuit dissipates the electric energy and the reluctance in magnetic circuit stores the magnetic energy. Also in an electric circuit, the electric field provides the least resistance path to the electric current. Similarly, the magnetic field causes the least reluctance path for the magnetic flux. It is denoted by S The SI unit of magnetic reluctance is AT / Wb (ampere-turns / Weber).

  • The definition can be expressed as follows: ("R") is the reluctance in strongampere-turns/strongper weber (a unit that is equivalent to turns per henry). "Turns" refers to the winding number of an electrical conductor comprising an inductor. Φ ("Phi") is the strongmagnetic/strongflux in webers.

  • AT/wb or. 1/H

  • The SI unit of magnetic reluctance is AT / Wb (ampere-turns / Weber).

  • The reluctance which lies in a magnetic circuit is analogus to the resistance in the electric circuit. As the resistance in electrical circuit is obtained from dividing the emf to the current i.e Resistance = Emf/Current. Same things happens here also. Reluctance is obtained by dividing the Mmf to the flux. As the Emf and Current in the electrical circuit is analogus to Mmf and flux resp. in the magnetic circuit so the unit of reluctance is AT/Wb

  • inverse (Henry) (or) ampere turn per weber

  • amp/weber

  • Ampere is the unit of Reluctance...

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