HPAS Preparation for the year 2019

What are the recommended newspapers for HPAS preparation for the year 2019?

  • Lakshya Gupta Lakshya
  • 5 Answers
5 Answers
  • Giriraj weekly, the tribune

  • HP current is not important only economic survey and budget of HP

  • i don't think there's any such for HAS you have to be regular with TRIBUNE..

  • I'd like to know the same but current affairs related to himachal. Is there any magazine which covers hp current affairs from exam point of view?

  • Make a better plan for the HPAS exam schedule your time.. Make Social Studies, Economics and some Culture topics your strong suit. Read newspapers every day to stay updated on nation and international issues, current events, corporate news, economy and important announcements. Remember one thing After each study session keep 1 hour for revision of topics learned/practised....

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