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what is the defferance between screw gauge and micrometer?


  • Sanjay
  • 6 Answers
6 Answers
  • screw gauge is also known as micrometer but gauge is used check ing purpose and micrometer is precision instrument.

  • Micrometer is also use for the diameter of conducter

  • Screw gauge is a checking debice but micrometer is accurate messuring device

  • friends..Screw Gauge is usefull for measure screw's pitch and depth of threads but Micrometer is usefull for measuring linear lengths. Both are defferents. So friends this was for your information. Thanks

  • micrometer is also called Screw gauge


  • There is no difference between both of these both are same as you can say screw gauge is also known as micrometer or in simple word we can say screw gauge is a synonym of micrometer.

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