CGPSC: Exam Pattern, Insights and Details

One of the most dynamic and eligible candidates can apply for CGPSC (Chhattisgarh Public Service Commission). The selection process consists of three phases: Prelims Exam, Mains Exam and Interview. The preliminary exam consists of two papers: Paper I has General Studies of 200 marks and Paper II has Aptitude Test of 200 marks. The Eligibility Criteria states that the candidate needs to have a bachelor's degree in any discipline from a recognized university/institution. To Prepare well, candidates are advised to attempt CGPSC Exam previous year question papers.

Exam Pattern   Syllabus  |  Eligibility Criteria  |  Tips and Tricks   Take Free Mock Test  

Key Highlight
of Cgpsc
Application Fees
Gen-Rs. 100 For SC/ST/PWD/Female Candidates-No Fee
Age of the candidate
Maximum Age: 33 years

Eligibility for CGPSC

Nationality / Citizenship: The candidate must be an Indian Citizen.

Age of the candidate:

Maximum Age: 33 years

 Age relaxation:

  • Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe - 38 years
  • Other Backward Classes - 35 years

Educational Qualification:

Bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognized University or its equivalent.

CGPSC: Exam pattern

  • CGPSC test will be of 200 marks.
  • The exam is divided in two papers.
  • Total duration of First paper will be 120 minutes.
  • Total duration of Second paper will be 120 minutes.
  • Papers: Two
    • First Paper of 100 MCQs type of questions for General studies.
    • Second Paper of 100 MCQs type of questions for Aptitude Test.
  • Marking scheme: 0.33 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer and 1 mark will allotted for each right. If a question is left blank, i.e. no answer is marked by the candidate; there will be no penalty for that question.


Selection process: CGPSC

  • First- the candidates will have to appear for an Online Preliminary Test that would be of 200 marks.
  • Second- those who qualify the Preliminary Test will be shortlisted for Mains Test that would be of 200 marks.
  • Third- those who qualify Mains will be followed by Interview.


Syllabus: CGPSC
The Prelims exam consists of two paper.
Paper I: 

The syllabus of general studies is divided into two parts. Part I consist of the Static portion and current affairs.

Part II: 
General knowledge of Chhattisgarh.
Paper I is the Language paper
Part o1: General Hindi
Part 02: General Sanskrit
Part 03: General English
Part 04: Chhattisgadi Language

Paper II is Essay paper
Part 01: Problems of National Level
Part 02: Problems of state of Chhattisgarh

Paper III consist of History, Constitution and Public Administration.
Part 01: History of India
Part 02: Indian National Movement
Part 03: History of Chhattisgarh and Contribution of Chhattisgarh in the National Movement
Part 04: Constitution of India
Part 05: Public Administration

Paper IV consists of Science, Technology and Environment.
Part 01: Chemistry
Part 02:  Physics
Part 03:  Biology
Part 04:  Technology
Part 05:  Environment

Paper V consists of Economics & Geography.
Part 01: Indian Economics
Part 02: Planning in India
Part 03: Geography of Chhattisgarh –
Part 04: Economics of Chhattisgarh
Part 05: Agriculture, Forest, Industry and Natural Resource of Chhattisgarh

Preparation tips for CGPSC:

  • You need to finish three sections of CGPSC Prelims within 120 minutes, which means you need speed with accuracy in order to attempt 200 questions in total. The more you practice, the better chances you have of acing this exam.
  • Make mathematics and reasoning your strong subjects, practice questions to solve them within time to increase efficiency. You should lay emphasis not on mugging up the formulas but instead try understanding the concepts, so, you can modify the formulas according to the question requirement.
  • Remember negative marking is a factor here. Therefore, try not to attempt questions that put you in doubt. Although the prelim exam will be of just qualifying nature and won’t be considered for the final merit list as only Main exam marks will matter, you still need to secure the minimum qualifying marks in the prelims as set by the CGPSC.
  • Manage your time properly; give an appropriate amount of time to each section. Try to improve your time by practising as many online tests as possible. Youth4work provides online mock tests will time limit attached to each question; this way one can learn to finish the entire exam within the time limit.
  • Studying in a stretch for hours can be tedious and hard and also not so good. Therefore, try to study at several times in regular sessions during a day. This will make learning easy and fun, also you will have enough time to brush up the already studied topics in between intervals.
  • It is very important to maintain proper health, so you don’t fall sick on the big day. Give your brain an appropriate time to refresh itself. Don’t rush too much information into your head than its limit allows. Take it slow and steady. And get at least eight hours of sleep each night.

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