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HPAS Exam pattern

What is the exam pattern of HPAS exam?

  • Swati
  • 2 Answers
2 Answers
  • adding to sweety jain's answer, gs papers now have a considerable part focusing on himachal so prepare himachal portion thoroughly.

  • HPAS Prelims examination Patternbr /• The exam consists of 2 Objective kind papers for a complete of most 400 /• Paper-I General Studies consists of a hundred MCQs for 200 /• Paper-II ability take a look at consists of a hundred MCQs for 200 /• Duration of every paper is 2 /• There is penalty (Negative Marking) for wrong answers marked by a candidate within the objective kind question /HPAS Mains examination Patternbr /• Compulsory Papers Written take a look at total of 750 Marksbr /• Optional subject consists of Paper-I & II for 300 Marksbr /• Vice-Voce consists of 150 Marksbr /• Total examination begin for 1200 Marksbr /• Time period is for 3 /Compulsory Papers:br /English 100 Marksbr /Hindi 100 Marksbr /Essay 100 Marksbr /General Study- I 150 marksbr /General Study- II 150 marksbr /General Study- III 150 marksbr /Total- 750 Marksbr /Optional Subject (One):br /Paper- I 150 Marksbr /Paper- II 150 Marksbr /The list of the nonobligatory subjects for HPAS-br /• Lawbr /• Mathematicsbr /• Mechanical Engineeringbr /• Philosophybr /• Physicsbr /• Political sciencebr /• Psychologybr /• Public Administrationbr /• Sanskritbr /• Sociologybr /• Statisticsbr /• Urdubr /• Zoologybr /• Managementbr /• Forestrybr /• Horticulturebr /• Medical Sciencebr /• Animal cultivation br /• Anthropology br /• Botany br /• Chemistry br /• Civil Engineering br /• Commerce & occupation br /• Economics br /• Electrical Engineering br /• English Literature br /• Geography br /• Geology br /• Hindi Literaturebr /• Historybr /strong /strongbr /strong /strongHPAS Prelims examination Patternbr /• The exam consists of 2 Objective kind papers for a complete of most 400 /• Paper-I General Studies consists of a hundred MCQs for 200 /• Paper-II ability take a look at consists of a hundred MCQs for 200 /• Duration of every paper is 2 /• There is penalty (Negative Marking) for wrong answers marked by a candidate within the objective kind question /HPAS Mains examination Patternbr /• Compulsory Papers Written take a look at total of 750 Marksbr /• Optional subject consists of Paper-I & II for 300 Marksbr /• Vice-Voce consists of 150 Marksbr /• Total examination begin for 1200 Marksbr /• Time period is for 3 /Compulsory Papers:br /English 100 Marksbr /Hindi 100 Marksbr /Essay 100 Marksbr /General Study- I 150 marksbr /General Study- II 150 marksbr /General Study- III 150 marksbr /Total- 750 Marksbr /Optional Subject (One):br /Paper- I 150 Marksbr /Paper- II 150 Marksbr /The list of the nonobligatory subjects for HPAS-br /• Lawbr /• Mathematicsbr /• Mechanical Engineeringbr /• Philosophybr /• Physicsbr /• Political sciencebr /• Psychologybr /• Public Administrationbr /• Sanskritbr /• Sociologybr /• Statisticsbr /• Urdubr /• Zoologybr /• Managementbr /• Forestrybr /• Horticulturebr /• Medical Sciencebr /• Animal cultivation br /• Anthropology br /• Botany br /• Chemistry br /• Civil Engineering br /• Commerce & occupation br /• Economics br /• Electrical Engineering br /• English Literature br /• Geography br /• Geology br /• Hindi Literaturebr /• Historybr /strong /strongbr / br / 

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