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Can anyone please give the complete information regarding GMAT?

Also, how can we prepare for GMAT effectively and what is the syllabus for the exam?

  • Sanchit
  • 1 Answers
1 Answers
  • strongemu /u/em/strongbr /ABOUT – GMAT isbr /·          conducted by Graduate Management Admission Council br /·         throughout the year at regular intervalsbr /·          Candidates are allowed to attempt the exam only 5 times in a year, and 8 times in the whole lifetime. br /·         This Exam is conducted strongacross 600 centers in 114 countries/strong around the world. br / br / br /ELIGIBLITY-  br /·         strong /strongA bachelors degree from a recognized institute. br /strongNationality- /strong There is no restriction regarding the nationality of the /strongAge Limit:/strong must be atleast strong18 years old. /strongIn case, a candidate’s age varies between 13-17 years, then he/she must provide a written proof of guardian’s consent for taking GMAT /strongRetaking GMAT:/strong Candidates have to strongwait for minimum 16 days/strong before taking the test /Candidates have to wait at least five years to take the GMAT Exam again if the previously obtained GMAT score is a perfect score of /GMAT score is valid for 5 / br / br / br / br / br / br /EXAM PATTERN – As this exam is tricky we at youth4work would like to share the pattern that have come to be associated with these /·         It is a Computer based exam consisting of a total of 80 /·         Total time: 3 hours 7 minutes (including optional breaks)br /·         The examination paper is further divided into 4 sectionsbr /·         SECTION 1-strongAnalytical Writing Assessment (1question)/strong(30 minutes)br /·         SECTION 2- strongIntegrated Reasoning (12questions) (30 minutes)/strongbr /·         SECTION 3- strongQuantitative section (31questions) (62 minutes)/strongbr /strong·         /strongSECTION 4-strongVerbal (36questions) (67 minutes)/strongbr /strong·         /strongThere is no negative marking in GMAT however it is an adaptive exam, i.stronge., after a correct attempt the next question will be tougher and hold more weightage but if your attempt is wrong then the next question will be easier and thus will hold less marks./strongbr / br / br /SYLLABUS- The syllabus allocated to undertake this exam is as /·         strongAnalytical Writing Assessment/strongbr /strongAnalysis of Argument/strongbr / br /strongIntegrated Reasoning/strongbr /strongMulti-Source Reasoning/strongbr /strongGraphics Interpretation/strongbr /strongTwo-part Analysis/strongbr /strongTable Analysis/strongbr /strong /strongbr /strongQuantitative/strongbr /strongData Sufficiency /strongbr /strongProblem Solving /strongbr /strong /strongbr /strongVerbal/strongbr /strongReading Comprehension/strongbr /strongCritical Reasoning/strongbr /strongSentence Correction/strongbr / br / br / br /TIPS AND TRICKS – I would like to share a quick look at the tricks of the trade to crack the exams for GMATbr /As a management student it is necessary to train yourself in planning for the future. So having a plan or strategy for exams is of paramount /Secondly before starting your preparation it is necessary to go through the entire syllabus and exam patternsbr /Being up to date with current affairs helps in being aware of what is going around be it India or the world at largebr /Revise and be aware of your concepts and databr /Lastly, take as many mock tests as possible to time yourself. For this I would recommend the prep guru application of / br / br /·          emstrongu /u/strong/embr /ABOUT – GMAT isbr /·          conducted by Graduate Management Admission Council br /·         throughout the year at regular intervalsbr /·          Candidates are allowed to attempt the exam only 5 times in a year, and 8 times in the whole lifetime. br /·         This Exam is conducted strongacross 600 centers in 114 countries/strong around the world. br / br / br /ELIGIBLITY-  br /·         strong /strongA bachelors degree from a recognized institute. br /strongNationality- /strong There is no restriction regarding the nationality of the /strongAge Limit:/strong must be atleast strong18 years old. /strongIn case, a candidate’s age varies between 13-17 years, then he/she must provide a written proof of guardian’s consent for taking GMAT /strongRetaking GMAT:/strong Candidates have to strongwait for minimum 16 days/strong before taking the test /Candidates have to wait at least five years to take the GMAT Exam again if the previously obtained GMAT score is a perfect score of /GMAT score is valid for 5 / br / br / br / br / br / br /EXAM PATTERN – As this exam is tricky we at youth4work would like to share the pattern that have come to be associated with these /·         It is a Computer based exam consisting of a total of 80 /·         Total time: 3 hours 7 minutes (including optional breaks)br /·         The examination paper is further divided into 4 sectionsbr /·         SECTION 1-strongAnalytical Writing Assessment (1question)/strong(30 minutes)br /·         SECTION 2- strongIntegrated Reasoning/strongbr /strongWatch our video:/strong a rel='nofollow' href=""

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