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can anyone tell abt d tier 2 syllabus??is der four parts in tier 2?

ssc cgl tier 2

  • Divya
  • 5 Answers
5 Answers
  • ssc cgl tier 2 is about 4 exams... 1- english language and comprehension for 200 marks 2- quantitaive aptitude for 200 marks 3- statistics for 200 marks for the post of statistical invigilator 4- finance and economics for 200 marks for the post of assistant audit officer

  • mainly 2 papers that are common for everyone and 2 more papers for some specific posts.

  • is there also diffrnt pprs fr diffrnt posts excpt dis...??

  • There will be 2 parts. strongArithmetic Ability /strongand strongEnglish Language & Comprehension/strong

  • No there are two parts in tier 2.... 200 marks for english and 200 marks for math

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