What is GATE exam ? How to prepare for it?

What is GATE exam ? How to prepare for it? Can someone please give me information regarding the GATE exam?

2 उत्तर
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2 उत्तर
    Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering is an all India national-level exam conducted every year to assess the overall knowledge and understanding of a candidate in the subjects of Engineering and Science. It is jointly conducted by Indian Institute of Science and various IITs together. On the basis of merit list prepared based on the scores of a candidate, he is offered admissions into various colleges for higher education or PSUs for the government job. Various top private companies also use GATE score-card to offer job roles to candidates in their companies.
    A candidate must hold 75% in 10th and 12th grade.
    A Candidate must be from Science stream in 12th standard.
    Candidates holding a Bachelor's degree in Engineering/Technology/Architecture/Science can apply for this exam.
    Those who are in their final year of graduation from any of the above disciplines can also apply for it.
    There is no particular age-limit to appear for the exam.
    While appearing for the exam, a candidate must have valid admit card and an original photo ID proof with them.-
    The exam will be conducted in online mode.
    There are a total of 65 questions in the exam.
    The questions are basically of multiple-choice and numerically answer type
    The total time allotted to attempt whole exam is 3 hours
    Numerical answer type questions include a value or a real number as their answer
    In GATE IT exam, the whole question paper is divided into 3 sections
    Section 1 includes questions on Engineering Mathematics with weightage of 15% of total marks
    Section 2 includes questions on General Aptitude with weightage of 15 % of total marks
    Section 3 consists of 70% weightage devoted to the technical section of the paper
    The technical section will be based on the subjects
    You must be aware about the whole syllabus of GATE before preparing for the exam. Please ensure you go through the whole syllabus thoroughly.
    For GATE Information Technology, make sure you prepare for Programming Language questions well.
    See previous years question papers and practice them beforehand.
    Make sure earlier you want to prepare through coaching or by self-study.
    Give equal priority to each subject while preparing for the exam.
    To watch our youtube video:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vL0sJmhPMcM&t=3s

  • GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) is an online exam that examines mainly the overall understanding of various undergraduate subjects in engineering & science. GATE exam consists of Objective type questions & numerical type questions in all paper & sections. GATE exam is divided into sections: General Aptitude carries 5 questions of 1 marks each. Technical + Engineering mathematics.
    Bachelor's degree in Engineering and Technology.

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