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Which one is better, HCL or TCS?

Which one is good.

  • Vishal
  • 2 Answers
2 Answers
  • Both HCL and TCS have some merits and demerits. As we know that HCL mostly prefer only degree holders so f you are not than undoubtedly TCS would be your first choice. If you are a pass out than you have great options to choose. TCS is like a govt job. It is the only IT Company who didn’t make cross cutting during the recession time. From this point of view, it can be a safe option. Aspect this, HCL is a leading and well known brand in the market. They are the largest revenue holders. When it comes to choose on the basis of opportunities and atmosphere, both companies have supportive and learning atmosphere. Over and all, it is totally your choice. If you ask about my choice I will surely choose the company where I can grow my skills and get more and more opportunities. 


  • Thank you for the help. 

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