best book for ppsc exam preparation
plz share ppsc previous year paper, notes or best book ??????
- 2 Answers
2 Answers
- PPSC exam preparation tips
- Which subjects will be covered in the syllabus for Punjab Public Service Commission.
- PPSC Pre - Best Mobile app to prepare from, Mock tests?
- Next PCS exam by PPSC ?? Any expected dates/venue
- Whether a candidate is eligible for a post when his result is awaited for the relevant degree?
- What is the eligibility criteria defined for Punjab Public Service Commission.
- what is the eligibility for ppsc for gernal candidates
- PPSC Pre 2018 - Cut Offs, Reservations, Quota, Categories?
- Does the cutoff for various ranks vary in different states UPSC exam ?
- Hi all What will be the result date of ppsc Prelims and the expected cuttoff .??

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Punjab Public Service Commission is a state-level civil service examination in the Punjab, India. It is conducted by the Punjab Civil Services (Punjab Group A) Recruitment Board. It is open to all citizens of the Punjab and its neighboring states, as well as candidates from other countries who are willing to reside in Punjab for at least one year. Now I would like to read a rel='nofollow' href=""myperfectresume reviews/a before help in my essay. Candidates appearing for this examination are appointed by the Government of Punjab for different posts in the state.