Which one is better, Ericsson or Capgemini?

which is better?

  • Vishal Yadav Vishal
  • 9160 दृश्य
  • 9 उत्तर
9 उत्तर
  • ericsson is for electronics and capgemini is for computer science

    -1 dropdown

  • I think Cpgemini is better as it offers a minimum CTC of 3 lakhs to a GET(Graduate Engineer Trainee).

  • I think Ericsson is better.

  • Ercsson is better for ec and en while capgemini is better for cs and it. 

  • both are good

  • ericsson

  • Hmmm, thanks for the details. 

  • It depends on if you are interested in going deep into one technology area, or a wide area of technology. Deep but narrow hole, or Wide but shallow one.br /Still, am sharing some facts with you, May be after that you will decide it better.br /Capgemini offers IT, business consulting and outsourcing services while Ericsson provide Managed services, support services, system.br /Capgemini has 40000 workers in India only, while Ericsson has 82500+ employees worldwide.br /After Capgemini you have switching options like Accenture, CSC, EDS, Perot Systems, IBM Global, HCL, TCS, Infosys, Wipro, Satyam, Cognizant while after ericsson has options like Microsoft, Motorola, Alcatel, Lucent etc.br / br /I think after knowing these facts, you can decide which one is better.

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