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Which one is better, Ericsson or Capgemini?

which is better?

  • Vishal
  • 9 Answers
9 Answers
  • ericsson is for electronics and capgemini is for computer science


  • I think Cpgemini is better as it offers a minimum CTC of 3 lakhs to a GET(Graduate Engineer Trainee).

  • I think Ericsson is better.

  • Ercsson is better for ec and en while capgemini is better for cs and it. 

  • both are good

  • ericsson

  • Hmmm, thanks for the details. 

  • It depends on if you are interested in going deep into one technology area, or a wide area of technology. Deep but narrow hole, or Wide but shallow /Still, am sharing some facts with you, May be after that you will decide it /Capgemini offers IT, business consulting and outsourcing services while Ericsson provide Managed services, support services, /Capgemini has 40000 workers in India only, while Ericsson has 82500+ employees /After Capgemini you have switching options like Accenture, CSC, EDS, Perot Systems, IBM Global, HCL, TCS, Infosys, Wipro, Satyam, Cognizant while after ericsson has options like Microsoft, Motorola, Alcatel, Lucent / br /I think after knowing these facts, you can decide which one is better.

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